Key dates
1913: Creation of the Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Office
1956: Promulgation of the ONPTT in ministry
1961: Creation of the PTT school, an inseparable emblem from the foundation of the telecom sector
1964: First promotion of application engineers
1979: Inauguration of the new premises of the INPT in Madinat Al Irfane
1984: Creation of the ONPT (National Office of Post and Telecommunications) whose institute became a direction
1991: Launch of the cycle of state engineers
1994: First promotion of state engineers
1998: Creation of the ANRT in application of Act No. 24-96 on postal and telecommunications
1998: attached to the ANRT, the INPT becomes a direction of the ANRT
2002: First promotion of qualified training
2004: Launch of the "TW3S" Master
2005: Participation in the "10 000 engineers" project
2005: Launch of the "Telecom Manager" Master
2006: Launch of the TSRS Master
2008: Participation of the INPT in the conference of the French“Grandesécoles”
2011: 50th anniversary of the INPT
2012: Launch of the CEDOC 2TI doctoral school
2014: Accreditation of new INPT programs
2018: Launch of
“Go Digital” initiative

Key numbers
The INPT counts:
25th promotion of state engineers
7 training courses
7 research teams
63 administrative and technical staff
131 teachers (including 63 permanent)
More than 2,600 graduate state engineers
264 new State Engineer students in Telecoms and Information Technology (in 2018-2019)
772 engineering students enrolled in the engineering cycle, all levels combined
295 girl engineers
477 boy engineers
62 mobility students every year
50 students enrolled in the master
148 PhD students
78% of graduates obtained their first job after the first 3 months and 96% after 9 months.